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Gabriela Gonjon and Nicole Bass are undergraduate B. Arch students and NOMAS (National Organization of Minority Architecture Students) chapter members at City College of New York. Together, they are host/producer of Talks at NOMAS CCNY, a podcast about architecture school, professionalism and entrepreneurship.

Gabriela Gonjon is a first generation born in the US, originally from The Bronx, raised in New Jersey. She is currently president of NOMAS chapter at the City College of New York. Before stepping foot into college, Gabriela never thought about architecture as a realistic career for herself. Gabriela has interned at ZGF and NYCSCA. As a designer, she is most interested in the User Experience & research and the starting phases of a project. As a professional, she enjoys organizing, public speaking, and diving into a new project or skill with a design thinking lense based from startup experiences with colleagues and the Stanford D.School of Design. A rising fourth year at The City College of New York B.Arch program at Spitzer on her way to becoming a licensed architect.

Nicole Bass is a born and raised New Yorker from Brooklyn. Heading into her 5th and last year at CCNY’s B. Arch program, she considers herself one of the lucky ones who knew they wanted to pursue architecture as a young kid despite having no architects or related fields running in the family. To kickoff graduation, Nicole plans to get licensed to increase the statistics of female + Filipino/Russian Architects. Afterwards, she wants to move into the urban planning/placemaking realm of architecture to design and build a better NY and hopefully better cities. Follow Nicole’s journey through architecture @nicoleatspitzer on instagram.

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